Consul (service discovery)

Every container (with a port) is registred inside Consul with the Registrator service. This allows lookup of the IP adresses from containers by using following scheme:


With Consul you can eg. connect to a MySQL database with a GUI Tool using an SSH tunnel and this address syntax without exposing ports to the VM.

DNS lookup examples

Container name Port DNS name
consul 8500 consul-8500.service.consul
consul 8600 consul-8600.service.consul
dory-http-proxy 443 dory-http-proxy-443.service.consul
typo3dockerboilerplate_app_1 80 no supported (underscores not allowed in domain names)
typo3dockerboilerplate_mysql_1 3306 no supported (underscores not allowed in domain names)

Note: docker-compose containers are currently not supported, see